Personal Statement

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Adventures in Party Planning: Drive-In Movie Party
Fort Worth is getting a drive-in movie theater - which sounds like an awesome deal, but then I wonder if drive-in movies will translate well to the current generation. After all, back in our day, we didn't have on-demand, or a DVR, so if you missed a line because someone was talking or the audio was bad, then you just inferred what the character said from what happened next. Not a bad skill to have, you know, and sad that kids today aren't forced to learn how to fill in the blanks like that. (Yes, I realize that this is the same thing that my grandparents said about television: "Back in our day, you had to listen to the story and form a picture of the characters in your head." And their grandparents probably rolled their eyes at the kids gathered around the radio and said, "Back in our day, you had to read the story and imagine the faces and the voices." What will our kids complain about when they get old and crochety? "Back in our day, the images were on a screen in front of you, and you had to look at them with your eyes, as opposed to having them beamed directly into your cerebral cortex.")
Anyway, hoping that the drive-in is successful, and it's not a thing where people go once, indulge their nostalgia and never go again.
I have lots of happy drive-in memories from my early childhood days in Seattle. I remember seeing "Escape to Witch Mountain" and "Herbie Rides Again." I also remember seeing "The Sting." Yes, that Sting, the one starring Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Not exactly a kid's movie (and I would have been three at the time), but I have a good faith belief that my parents thought that I would play with my dolls in the backseat for a few minutes and then conk out. No such luck.
I was particularly intrigued by the scene in the movie where they go to a brothel and the - ahem - "working girls" are on a carousel, and the patrons pick their partners for the evening off of the carousel. Apparently, I was full of questions about the carousel: where was the carousel? Who were those girls riding it? Could I be one of those girls someday?
My parents didn't particularly want to explain the concept of prostitution to a toddler, so they mumbled something about a "girls' school." Big mistake. For years thereafter, I was asking them about that girls' school - were they going to enroll me? And, most importantly, did they still have the carousel? My dad would always snort and snicker, a fact of which I took note but then filed away.
Ah, the innocence of childhood.
The other reason that I am waxing nostalgic about drive-ins this week is because I found THIS on the Interwebs:
It's a drive-in movie for kids. How stinkin' cute is THAT? Note the snack tray attached to the window. Remember those? And remember when you got those at Sonic, too? Do they still have the trays at Sonic? I don't recall seeing them recently.
For the full run-down on the DIY drive-in movie, check out Momma's Kinda Crafty's blog.
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