Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Treats and Tricks for Little Cooks

Last weekend we hosted the children of Culinary Arts members for an afternoon of kitchen-related fun. Well, that was the plan . . . . I baked 72 cupcakes and another mom baked a gross (literally) of cookies. I figured that the kids would decorate and eat some items on the premises and take the rest home. Obviously, it had been awhile since I threw one of these shindigs. True to form, the kids decorated a token few items (with the exception of Miss Matilda, who filled a tray with her creations . . . and then wanted nothing more to do with them), and then split into two camps - the boys went off to play with the boy toys, and the girls heaped much love on the pets. Likewise, when we went outside to make party crackers and candy necklaces, the young guests were much more interested in playing dress up (I had put out a couple of buckets of costumes as "filler" in case the scheduled activities ran short). I'd share some photos of the kids looking adorable in their (very creative) ensembles, but I never got around to taking pictures. You know that a party was a success when, at the end of the event, you realize that you never stopped to take photos! (As one of the grown-up party guests pointed out, you also know that a party is a success when someone gets naked . . . the streaker in question? My youngest!)

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