Took these photos at our church's Festival of Tables. This was the table that I did with my neighbor and friend, Terry (truth be told, she did all but maybe 5% of it, and I wrote a check for my half, sooooooo . . . .).

I liked these two tables that featured oversized angel centerpieces:

Equally elegant - a woodland-themed table, featuring cross-sections of a cedar tree as charger plates. Chairs were covered with ivory throw blankets (faux fur alternating with a shearling look).

Another traditional-themed tablescape centered on this ginormous gingerbread house. Apparently, the folks who sponsored this table imposed upon the Worthington Hotel's kitchen to bake the walls of the house, which were too big for anything other than a commercial oven. (By the way, the gingerbread house was auctioned off at the end of the evening, along with the entire woodland table, the oversized garden-themed angel centerpiece, etc.)
Given that the hometown Horned Frogs are going to the Rose Bowl, it wasn't surprising that there were two TCU-themed tables. The roses were a clever touch!

Two table-decorating teams had vacation on their minds when they put together their presentations:

But I gotta be me . . . so my overall faves were the most whimsical of the bunch.

Not shown: the giant peppermints decorating the backs of the chairs, made (near as I could tell) out of two white frisbies with the red parts cut out of glossy red wrapping paper with an X-Acto knife, and the whole thing wrapped in cellophane.
And, last but not least . . . the vintage toy table. Love, love, LOVE this one.

All in all, a fun event, and a great source of decorating ideas. Also a reminder of one of the downsides of living in a smallish cottage home - any decorating concept coming in means another concept phasing out. So, please, take one or more of these ideas and run with 'em, so that I can live vicariously through you!
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