Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blogger Tutorial

To all of you who responded to my "follow me, dammit!" rant and told me that you would follow if you could, I have added a "Followers" box in the top right corner. If you click on "Follow with Google Friend Connect," you will be taken to a box that allows you to sign in with Blogger via an existing Gmail, Twitter or other account. You can then sign up to follow my blog (and any other Blogger site you happen to like).

If you don't have one of the account types listed, get yourself a Gmail account. You don't have to use it for anything other than blog-related activities if you don't want to . . . but you should consider using Gmail, because (1) ZERO SPAM, PEOPLE! and (2) e-mails are organized into conversations that are like mini file folders. Gmail is the bomb diggity. Initially I created a Gmail account just for blogging purposes, but when I ascended to the presidency of Junior Woman's Club (and took note of how many JWC-related e-mails were flowing into my work inbox), I created a JWC-specific e-mail account via Gmail, and I have not regretted it. Great search feature, and . . . I could go on and on. If, like me, your life has many compartments, consider giving one of those compartments a Gmail account.

To comment, you click on the "X comments" line at the bottom of each post (the X being the number of comments - just like Facebook). You should get a pop-up window. Comments make me happy and will encourage me to write more (and more often)!

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