Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Tipping Point

I lurrrrrrrrrved Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point, because:

I love good nonfiction books in general;
I love nonfiction books with a sociology/cultural anthropology* bent in particular; and
I see a little bit of myself in each of the "maven," "connector" and "salesperson" archetypes.

I almost accidentally minored in anthropology in college.  No, you read that right.  I went in for my final degree check the last semester of my senior year and realized, for the first time, that I had managed to accumulate all but the last three hours towards a minor in anthropology.  Had I just opted for another anthro class in lieu of Dr. Divine's American Diplomatic History, I would now be able to tell people that I AM, SORT OF, AN ANTHROPOLOGIST.  A MINOR ONE.  But I do not regret taking American Diplomatic History.  Best.  Lecturer.  Ever.  Dare I say, DIVINE?  Every day:  three topics, written on the board outline-style.  The class was seventy five minutes long, and each topic got exactly twenty three minutes worth of lecture time, leaving exactly six minutes for questions, which allowed for exactly two questions, which is the only number of questions that the class ever seemed to care to ask, and he would finish answering the second question EXACTLY TWO SECONDS BEFORE THE BELL RANG.  Every.  Blessed.  Day.  You could set your watch to it. 

Occasionally, we burst into applause at the end of class.

The maven in me  lurrrrrrrrrves Pinterest - and the would-be social scientist in me is fascinated by which pins take off, and which don't.  Thus, when I have downtime while the kids are swimming, etc., I find myself checking the "pin activity" log on my Pinterest Android app.

Scrolling . . . .

A and B repinned your pin.  [Thumbnail image of a casserole.]

C repinned your pin.  [Thumbnail image of a humorous GIF.]

D, E and 1 other pinner repinned your pin.  [Thumbnail image of an Easter centerpiece.]

F, G and 560 other pinners repinned your pin.


Clicking . . . .

Okay, explain to me WHY THIS, EXACTLY?   I mean, yeah, it's bright.  And monogrammy, and polka-dotty.  But I have images of other equally bright rooms on my Pinterest:

. . . and lots of monograms, applied in far more interesting places:


And I think we all know that I'm all about the polka dots:

(That last one is genius, BTW.  Tear the side off of a broken plastic laundry basket (admit it, you have a broken one lurking around that you just can't seem to part with):  BOOM, instant dot stencil.)

So what makes the hot pink room with the giant polka dots so special?  Malcolm Gladwell, if you are reading this (hey, it could happen - maybe he Googles his name looking for copyright infringement, or maybe he's just really vain, or really, really bored between book concepts), I would appreciate hearing your hypothesis.  Please video your response, limiting it to twenty three minutes and leaving exactly two minutes at the end for a follow-up question.

Thanks in advance.

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