Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Week At a Glance (And It's Only Tuesday)

In case you were interested . . . .

Thus far this week, I have:

Finalized an asset purchase agreement for an assisted living facility;

Worked two hours at the Junior League resale shop;

Authorized a plumber to create ginormous holes all over my house (as if the holes in my floor weren't enough);

Revised 3/4 of a commercial lease form received from a major retailer (can you say "one-sided"?);

Worked three more hours at the Junior League resale shop;

Approved haircuts for picture day;

Processed laundry - lots of laundry;

Literally jumped out of bed at 6:15 in the morning, screaming to my spouse, "WE'RE PUTTING THE DISHWASHER IN THE WRONG PLACE!";

Burned through several sheets of graph paper preparing aerials and elevations of my kitchen, placing my cabinets just SO in order to work around existing window penetrations (and ensure that my dishwasher will end up in the optimal location);

Been assured by my plumber that it doesn't really matter where I put the dishwasher, because everything ties into the sink line and yadda, yadda, yadda;

Kicked myself for having an unnecessary panic attack over the dishwasher;

Researched a child support issue after one of the plumber's employees hit my husband up for free legal advice;

Planned two birthday parties;

Sent a series of demand letters, revised a DTPA petition and negotiated terms of a compromise and settlement agreement (wait, I thought that I wasn't a litigator?);

Gotten a flu shot;

Become obsessed over a VERY SPECIFIC medicine cabinet that I want to buy (or, more precisely, pay to have built) for the boys' bathroom;

Analyzed issues relating to platting and zoning requirements (or the lack thereof) applicable to real property in located in the City of Houston's ETJ;

Choreographed part of a dance routine for my Junior Woman's Club department;

Brainstormed potential sponsors for an upcoming charitable event;

Assembled an outfit (out of the random selection of clothing that did not go into storage with Blackmon-Mooring) for another charitable event that goes down tomorrow night;

Played "musical cars" with several family members (Parnell got his tensioner-thingy installed, and Mom needs a fuel pump);

Signed up for some more volunteer hours at the Junior League resale shop;

Negotiated monthly lease rates on a second commercial lease deal;

Traded several e-mails, the subject of which was my somewhat oddly exhaustive list of contacts within the Miss Texas Scholarship Pageant organization;

Geared up to close a major business deal that has been pending for eons but has to go down right now; and

Missed my child's Whiz Quiz competition (but it's okay, Dad simulcast it via smart phone).

This is only a random sampling of what I have done in the last - oh, 38 hours.  I did sleep some, and I went to the bathroom at least twice, and I glanced through an oddly thick Restoration Hardware idea book that came in the mail.  (Seriously, the thing is Sears Wish Book big - in fact, that's exactly what it is, the Sears Wish Book for grown-ups, only all of the toys are slipcovered in linen or constructed out of reclaimed wood, and all of them are beige - or ecru, or parchment.  Clearly, the RH folks didn't grow up with the standard 64-Crayon box.)  I believe that I showered this morning.  And I am pleased to report that my shoes match my outfit.  And, also, each other.

That is all.  Carry on.  And if you find my sanity, please return it to me.  Thanks in advance.

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