Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Potpourri: Shopping in the Peeps Housewares Department

Innocently shopping for wedding gift for nephew.  Pulled up Bed, Bath & Beyond Web site (remembering to log on through Upromise so that 2% of what I spend goes into a 529 plan for the kids - LOVE when I remember to take that extra step).  And was assaulted with THIS on the BB&B home page:

Really, Lenox China people (and BB&B as agent therefor)?  Like I don't have enough Easter decor as it is, you have to come out with something with a PEEPS MOTIF?  And not just one "something" - you appear to have launched an entire COLLECTION, consisting of multiple "somethings."  Like tealight holders.  Kinda like the tealight holders.  But I really like the salt and pepper shakers, pictured above.  Notwithstanding the fact that I have two sets of perfectly serviceable - fancy, even - Easter-themed salt and pepper shakers (one Arthur Court, the other Fitz & Floyd).

I really like Peeps - real and facsimile.  Four small plush peeps (two chicks and two bunnies) and one giant pillow Peep reside in my office full-time.  Therefore, the idea of Peeps salt and pepper shakers appeals to me.  I would lose the tray, which I really don't like that much.  The bunny and chick stand on their own - literally and figuratively.  And, minus the tray, they might be mistaken for real Peeps.  "Can you pass the salt?  Hey, don't manhandle the Peep - you'll disturb the sugar and get the marshmallow all gooshy.  Oh - the Peep IS the salt."  (I like this scenario better than "I just bit into your Peep and chipped my front tooth.  May I have my dentist send the bill directly to you, or would you prefer to have it sent to your insurer?") 

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